In this page, I will be sharing the ace assignments I did during term 2 and 3 and some personal works I did. I will be giving an introduction of these ace assignments I did so that you can have a better understanding.
Term 2 Ace Assignments
Lab Safety poster:
This is the first ace assignment that Ms Chia assigned us to do. We were assigned to design a Lab safety poster. I first planned the layout of the poster before researching on the Do's and Don'ts in the lab. It took me about 30 min to complete this ace assignment and I was quite satisfied for what I have done. I got 2 ace points for this assignment. Below is my poster. Zoom in for a better view.
Distillation and fractional distillation website:
In this assignment, we are assigned to do a flowchart for either distillation or fractional distillation. However, as I want to be awarded with more ace points, I decided to create a learning website about distillation and fractional distillation and at the same time, I will be inserting a flowchart on distilling lavender. I was awarded with 3 ace points for this assignment. Below is a screenshot of the website and the link for this website is
Term 3 Ace Assignments
Drink up live long (DULL) problem:
This ace assignment is assigned as a Home-Based Learning homework. In this assignment, we have to solve a problem of sabotage by using what we learnt during the HBL. This is a group work and I am grouped with index 1-3 pupils. We got 2 ace points for this assignment. Below is a screenshot of the website and the link is:
Digestive system ace assignment:
For this ace assignment, we are expected to do in pairs. I paired up with Stark for this assignment. We are required to do a digestive system chart on a sytrofoam board or vangaurd sheet, accompanied by a short write-up. Me and Stark split up the work, he is assigned to do the poster while I am assigned to write the write-up. In this write-up, I must explain what is meant by digestion, explain why most food must be digested, label and describe the major components of the human digestive system and finally, describe how a digestive system helps in digestion of food and the part played by enzymes in digestion. After doing some research, I am done with the write-up and after Stark was finished with the poster, I handed the assignment in. Below is the write-up and a picture of the poster.
Personal Works Samples:
Louis Pasteur- Research on Famous Scientists:
After our first science lesson, Ms Chia gave us an assignment to research and do a report on a famous scientist. We are instructed to write the reason why we chose this particular scientist, what makes this scientist scientist, his discoveries and qualities of a scientist that he possesses. After thinking for a while, I decided to research on Louis Pasteur. This is because I feel strongly that his discoveries have impacted greatly on modern science and that he is greatly known for his discoveries on the causes and prevention of diseases. Below is my report on Louis Pasteur.
Louis Pasteur
Plasticine model of Respiratory System:
This September holiday as I was quite bored, I decided to build some Plasticine models. I was wondering what I can build when an idea struck my mind. I thought that since we are currently learning about respiration, I might as well as build a Plasticine model of the respiratory system. Thus, I printed a picture of the respiratory system from the internet and with the help of my mother, I managed to finish building the model after spending the whole afternoon on it. Below is the picture of the Plasticine model.