Reflections on termly personal performance

Reflection on Term 1 performance
For Term 1, I think I did pretty well and I scored 39/40 for term test 1, the highest in my class. I hope that I can be consistent and score well again in the test next term. Also, I have some difficulties in the drawing of line graph. Although this topic is not tested in this term, Ms Chia said that it will be tested in term 2. Thus, I will make use of the upcoming March holiday to practise more on the graphs. This term, my msg is 1.33. LA really pulled my msg up. Overall, I feel that this term is not too bad and I am happy with my science. I hope I will be consistent with my other subjects and hopefully my LA can improve.

Reflection on Term 2 performance
For term 2, I find it more challenging as the topics taught are harder. One example is the topic on kinetic theory. For this term's term test, I scored 34 marks and got the highest in my class. However, Ms Chia said that I can still improve. After looking through my test paper, I find out that I am careless in some questions which cost me some marks. I hope that I will not be careless for the next term test and hopefully achieve better marks. This term my msg is 1.17. I am really happy. I got highest in class for 3 subjects- science, IH and chinese. My LA managed to improve to A2.

Reflection on Term 3 performance
This term I did not perform as good as the other 2 terms and I scored 30/40 for my term test, which is a low A1. I feel quite disappointed with my result and I realised that I had quite some careless mistakes. I think one of the reasons why I did not do so well is because of the lack of preparation. I only started studying the notes three days before the test. I hope that I can get an exemption but if I do not get an exemption, I will give my very best for the EOY science paper. For this term, my msg doubled to 2.33. I am very disappointed with my this term's performance. I believe that I did not have enough practice for my other subjects too. I swear I will work much harder for EOY examination.